Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Friday, April 1, 2016

Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Bond Strength of Steel Bars | IJSRD Vol : 4, Iss : 1

Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Bond Strength of Steel Bars


  1. Praveen Kumar.T.H
  2. Dr. A.R.Santhakumar
  3. Mrs.T.Swedha 


Bond strength, Slip, Ribbed bars, RILEM, Reinforced concrete, Rib geometry, Flexure


This paper investigates about the Bond-Slip behaviour of steel rebars in reinforced concrete for Plain and Ribbed reinforcing bars. Bond strength is influenced by the rib pattern of the bar and RILEM suggested some recommendations to increase the bond strength of the concrete. Two grades of concrete M25 and M30 were casted. A total of 20 specimens were casted using 25mm bar. Twelve cube specimens were casted without reinforcement and casting done in horizontal position and Eight flexure beams were casted. The bond stress-slip response was studied. Pullout test was used to test the cube specimens. Graphical comparison were done between the Load vs Slip and Load vs Displacement for RILEM standards. Slip was measured using LVDT at both ends. Ribbed bars showed better bond strength compared to plain bars and bond strength obtained from both tests produced same results.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I11203
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2016
Page(s): 914-919

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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

5th NATIONAL CONFERENCE on Computational and Mathematical Sciences | IJSRD


on Computational and Mathematical Sciences

(March 18th & 19th, 2016)

in association with International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD}

The Conference proposes to bring together experts, researchers, faculties, students and the leaders of industries for sharing their knowledge and expertise in the field related to Computer and Mathematical Sciences.
We have successfully organized four National Conferences named “COMPUTATIA” since 2011. Following that this year also we are organizing COMPUTATIA-V “Two Days National Conference on Computational and Mathematical Sciences” on March 18th-19th, 2016.

Authors are requested to submit their abstracts in MS WORD file format at email-id: or on or before 9th March, 2016.
The Selected Papers will be published in IJSRD (International Journal for Scientific Research and Development) having ISSN (online): 2321-0613 and Impact Factor: 2.39

Click to Download Registration Form