Monday, February 22, 2016

IJSRD ||“Habitat Conclave 2016” Paper presentation on “Smart & Sustainable City”|| February 2016

Urban Infrastructure Issues and Solutions


Ashish Shakuniya; Shweta Prasad; Swati Bhute


Urban Infrastructure Issues, Urban Infrastructure Solutions


In successful economies, cities are the engines of growth and infrastructure plays a significant part in the generation of economic progress and development. It also performs as the main driving force of urban activities. However in the era of intelligent technology, wherein new business models and creative thinking are required to design contemporary systems based on hard infrastructure working together with operational and digital technologies, the developing cities’ urbanisation is still getting manifested in the form of over-crowding, congestion, and inadequate infrastructure. Pollution, population, drinking water, sanitation, energy, mobility and transport, solid waste management, environmental degradation and many more such infrastructural issues still remain unaddressed. This following paper will present the current situation of the country’s infrastructure at both urban and rural level, and the urgent necessity of an advanced and smart infrastructure in carrying out our per diem activities. A secondary case study will help us understand and analyse our infrastructural issues at a much comprehensive level. The paper will conclude on our projection established on the alternatives provided by the government, private and individual institutions. Apart from better assembly and integration of components to manage continuous change in demand and supply; leadership, finance, policy support, up gradation and citizen engagement are also few essential factors which determine urban infrastructure change.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Youth Conclave Paper Presentation on Smart & Sustainable city #ijsrd

Habitat Conclave 2016

Youth Conclave


Paper presentation on

Smart & Sustainable City

In association with

IJSRD – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development

Gujarat Institute of Civil Engineers & Architects (GICEA)is organizing 4-dayevent named Habitat Conclave 2016on 18th-21st February 2016.Under Youth Conclave Paper Presentation on Smart & Sustainable city is being managed by IJSRD.This event aims to cover the recent trends of research in the field of "Smart & Sustainable City".

Interested participants/Authors can prepare a paper/article showing their idea in the well managed format. They have to submit their article here. Innovative ideas will be selected and participants will be called for presentation during event.
Researchers working on Smart & Sustainable City development can submit their papers under following themes but not limited to.
  1. Culture &heritage of Smart city                         
  2. Green building and Smart Cities
  3. Sustainable cities issues & solutions
  4. Urban trends in Smart City Planning
  5. Sustainable Smart Tourism
  6. Urban Infrastructure issues and solutions
  7. Sustainable Urban Environmental Design
  8. Smart Urban Transportation Planning
  9. National & Individual needs in smart cities
  10. Smart, Urban, Congestion free Sustainable Mobility